Hot Forming

Hot forming has become increasingly important for the automotive industry in meeting specific requirements for lower overall weight and higher crash safety. Parts produced with hot forming are characterized by high strength, complex shapes and reduced springback effects.

AutoForm´s software enables you to consider general thermal effects which are particularly important in hot forming simulations but also when simulating cold and warm forming. The software takes into account phase transformation during quenching and thermal distortion after cooling. As a result, you can gain better insight into the effects of phase transformation and have better control over the resulting mechanical properties of the hot-formed part. In addition, you can simulate the tailored tempering process in order to engineer stamped parts with targeted local strength properties.

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AutoForm-Thermo Plug-In

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AutoForm-PhaseChange Plug-In

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Additional Products for Experienced Users


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Create Die Face Design Rapidly


Compensate Tool Geometry Based on Springback Results


Optimize the Trim Line and Blank Outline


Customer Use Cases

Tailored Tempering
[PDF – 683 KB]

Digital Validation & Beyond
[PDF – 2.35 MB]