In a production process, whether in early ramp-up or during mass production, accuracy may suddenly decrease for no apparent reason. This may lead to unplanned production downtime, missed production targets or products of insufficient quality.
AutoForm Assembly software addresses these issues and supports you in determining appropriate improvement measures. Whether in early ramp-up or during mass production, the software allows you to identify the critical areas in the assembly process and consider which measures should be taken to resolve them effectively. By scanning production parts and importing them into the assembly simulation, you can develop correction strategies to ensure efficient process improvement.
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Set Up Simulations and Evaluate Results
Plan and Optimize Your Hemming Process
Modify Part Geometries to Achieve Dimensional Fit in Car Body Assemblies
Plan and Optimize Your Line Welding Process
Select the Optimal Parameters for Assembly Production
Simulate BiW Assembly Processes
Assembly BiW
Assembly Hemming
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