Our topics cover the entire sheet metal forming and BiW assembly process chains and guide you to find the best solution for your issue at hand. Our software allows for full digitalization of these processes and satisfies Industry 4.0 requirements. We continuously invest our entire innovative energy and know-how in advanced software products to assist you in making faster, safer and more effective decisions.
The automotive industry today is focused heavily on digitalization in automation technology to achieve substantial improvements in productivity and production quality. The ultimate goal is the creation of an autonomous production environment or so called smart factory.
While many concepts currently discussed in the context of Industry 4.0 focus on the production process, the full digitalization of the entire product design, engineering process and production takes a broader, more comprehensive view.
Successful digitalization requires the appropriate selection of software, model and process. These are considered the three digitalization pillars. These three pillars represent the verification, validation and implementation of the digitalization process.
Digitalization is at the core of the industry’s push to reduce costs and lead time. Automakers must develop faster and manufacturing must be successful from the very start. Industry 4.0 calls for new and innovative solutions, which require the digital transformation of processes.
Feedback on part feasibility which is delivered in a timely, reliable and comprehensible manner is important in order to ensure an optimal part design. The feasibility analysis enables you to quickly identify problem areas in the part such as splits, improper thinning and possible wrinkles.
Efficient Planning & Bidding enables the rapid and transparent cost estimations for the production of automotive body parts. As a designer or cost analyst, you can use this information to make reasonable estimations for the selected stamping process.
During process engineering, the simulation and evaluation of the entire forming process is carried out. It allows you to setup the entire stamping process, make process modifications and also evaluate different process layouts before choosing the most suitable one.
A systematic tryout process based on simulation results gathered in the engineering phase can greatly improve the efficiency of tryout. Through an efficient tool tryout, your tool shop can effectively deal with complex part geometry, high-strength steel materials and high quality demands.
In a production process, even after stamping thousands of parts that meet quality specifications, the part reject rate may suddenly rise for no apparent reason. With AutoForm software, you can address such issues and achieve smooth part production with a lower reject rate.
A feasibility analysis enables quick identification of problem areas in the assembly process design and provides the best possible alternative solutions to correct them.
Assembling parts can lead to dimensional deviations due to gravity, tolerance stack-ups and the clamping strategy. Since the parts to be assembled are affected by springback, results may be inaccurate when these parts are joined. Therefore, springback must be managed to determine which parts need to be compensated in order to ensure the assembly within tolerance.
The accuracy of the hemming operation is very important since it affects the surface appearance and surface quality of the assembly. Material deformations, which occur during the hemming process, can lead to dimensional deviations and other typical hemming defects, including splits and wrinkles in the flange, material overlaps in the corner areas and material roll-in.
During production, problems may arise due to process variations. To ensure repeatability and robustness in production, crucial process parameters must be defined already during process validation.
In a production process, whether in early ramp-up or during mass production, accuracy may suddenly decrease for no apparent reason. This may lead to unplanned production downtime, missed production targets or products of insufficient quality.
Line/Transfer die stamping technology is applied to produce parts that are free from splits or wrinkles and have the required dimensional accuracy and surface quality. At the same time, using this technology tight production deadlines can be met and the overall lead time and costs reduced.
Progressive die stamping technology is used for medium to high-volume production and complex part designs with tight tolerances. This technology ensures fast production and minimal scrap.
Aluminum stamping is carried out in order to meet tough requirements regarding vehicle weight reduction. This technology is effective in addressing the impact on fuel consumption and the harmful greenhouse effects of carbon dioxide emissions.
By replacing traditional steels with high-strength steels, car manufacturers can use thinner-gauge sheets in order to lighten vehicles while at the same time improve crashworthiness. Using a lower amount of steel per vehicle benefits the environment as it reduces both material consumption during production and fuel consumption while driving.
Hot forming has become increasingly important for the automotive industry in meeting specific requirements for lower overall weight and higher crash safety. Parts produced with hot forming are characterized by high strength, complex shapes and reduced springback effects.
How to assemble BiW parts, how these parts fit together and how to ensure dimensional accuracy of the entire BiW are the key question related to the assembly process. Engineers must be able to identify the causes of dimensional deviations in the BiW assembly and then take measures to optimize part and assembly process designs.
Tube hydroforming allows for considerable freedom in designing and producing parts with challenging shapes, low weight and increased structural strength. This technology enables a reduced number of parts and joints.
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