Friction Modeling
During the training the user will learn the fundamentals of friction and tribology in sheet metal forming. The TriboForm Analyzer, in combination with the TriboForm Plug-In, enables the simulation of friction and lubrication conditions in sheet metal forming simulations. The user can quickly simulate and analyze the effects of tool coatings, lubricants, material surface characteristics or new sheet materials on friction and ultimately on product quality.
The TriboForm Analyzer software will be used to generate and analyze tribology data sets as an input for sheet metal forming simulations. Different tribology systems, i.e. different combinations of sheet materials, tooling materials and lubricants will be analyzed and discussed. The TriboForm Generic Library, including tribology data sets for commonly used tribology systems in sheet metal forming, will be used for this purpose.
Exported tribology data sets will be used in AutoForm by making use of the TriboForm Plug-In. The influence of friction on both part quality and overall production stability will be discussed for different industrial application cases. Finally, based on the simulation of a front fender the user will be challenged to find optimal lubrication conditions in order to produce a product free from defects.
The following topics will be discussed during the training:
- Fundamentals of friction and tribology
- Tribology in sheet metal forming
- Use of TriboForm Software
- Simulation of industrial application cases
The training is intended for users of AutoForm with basic or skilled knowledge of “cold forming” simulations who are interested in friction and tribological modeling. Process Engineering I & II are prerequisites for participation.