With our local offices and distribution partners around the world, we are ideally positioned to provide our customers with a full range of support services. As an AutoForm customer, you can use our customer portal or contact your local support specialists.
The AutoForm-ServiceCenter offers answers to your questions quickly and conveniently. There you can find in-depth information in the software manual or knowledge base, search for material data in the provided database or train yourself with the provided e-learning exercises.
You can also submit and manage your support requests via AutoForm-HelpDesk. Our experienced technical team, supported by AutoForm’s global knowledge database, is here to assist you. We guarantee a first response within 24 hours and provide prompt answers to all your technical issues.
AutoForm Engineering USA, Inc.
AutoForm Engineering Deutschland GmbH
AutoForm Engineering France SARL
AutoForm Engineering S.L.
AutoForm Engineering Italy S.r.l.
AutoForm Engineering B.V.
AutoForm Engineering Czech Republic s.r.o.
AutoForm Engineering México, S.A. de C.V.
AutoForm do Brasil Ltda.
AutoForm Engineering India Pvt. Ltd.
AutoForm Software (Shanghai) Ltd.
AutoForm Japan K.K.
AutoForm Engineering Korea Ltd.
Customer Service+41 43 444 6161