
AutoForm-ProcessDesignerforCATIA combines our expertise in sheet metal forming processes with powerful surfacing tools designed according to process designer requirements. Through dedicated surfacing commands, AutoForm-ProcessDesignerforCATIA enables you to quickly create a die face layout, including deep drawing and all secondary operations, directly in the CATIA V5 environment.

Once the part geometry is available in CATIA, the predefined standardized process guides you from part preparation to die face generation. Predefined dependencies between tasks and operations allow you to automatically update the entire process and thereby prevent errors. Corresponding settings and features are available to compensate tools in any operation and you can carry out compensation manually or in combination with AutoForm-Compensator. All generated surfaces fulfill class A surface requirements and you can immediately use them for CNC machining.


  • Creation of high quality CAD surfaces
  • Customizable standard approach to process design including all operation types
  • Consistent methodology for CAD quality die face design
  • Full integration in the CATIA V5 environment

Key Features

  • Specially designed CATIA features for process designers
  • Dedicated surfacing tools with built-in analysis features
  • Automatic update functions
  • Support of company-wide workflow standardization and data consistency
  • Complete and reliable data transfer to and from AutoForm


[PDF – 554 KB]

Customer Use Case

Die Design in CATIA
[PDF – 1.08 MB]