
AutoForm-TryoutAssistant acts as a digital assistant during the physical tryout. In tryout, correctional loops on the draw die must be carried out until the die can be used to produce a part of the required quality. Since correctional work and modifications are inevitable, every correction loop that you can avoid offers an immediate advantage in terms of time and money.

Based on the engineering data created by AutoForm-Sigma, AutoForm-TryoutAssistant provides you with suggestions regarding geometry as well as process parameter modifications that are in line with engineering requirements. The software was developed to bring tangible benefits in the tool shop in both the engineering as well as tryout departments. Achieving an efficient tryout requires that these two departments coordinate their activities together. AutoForm-TryoutAssistant assists the tryout process by facilitating the direct communication between these departments.


  • Reliable digital assistant in tool shops
  • Direct communication between engineering and tryout departments
  • Fine tuning of drawing dies
  • Reduction of tryout loops and related costs

Key Features

  • Check of process parameters and die geometry before tryout
  • Check of blank shape and dimensions as well as relative positioning
  • Recording of all significant data during tryout process and of each iteration
  • Comprehensive analysis of process parameters and corresponding geometry modifications
  • Option to adapt user interface in local language


[PDF – 528 KB]


This product may practice one or more of the following patents owned by or available to AutoForm Engineering GmbH, Switzerland: European patents 1623287, 1665103, 1741012, 2463792, 2463793, 2520992, 3654225, US patents 7542889, 7870792, 7894929, 8140306, 8463583, 8478572, 8560103, 9342070, 11914926, RE47557 and JP patents 4633625, 4852420, 5188803. Other European, other US, other JP, and other CN patents pending.