AutoForm Engineering GmbH now offers its EasyBlank software in the Cloud. This new EasyBlank Cloud Service is free of charge, is a pure web-based application and therefore can be accessed directly from the browser without having to install any piece…
AutoForm Engineering GmbH opens a new branch office in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. This office will bring AutoForm closer to its customers in the region, allowing for more personalized service which covers the full range of AutoForm products and…
AutoForm Engineering GmbH has integrated the generation of reports in Excel format within its latest software version AutoFormplus R7. As a result, users can import and process Excel files as report templates directly in AutoForm-ReportManager as…
The sheet metal forming process is becoming more and more complex due to the ever increasing number of different car models, the geometric complexity of stamped parts as well as the widespread applications of high-strength steels and aluminum. In…
AutoForm Engineering GmbH has appointed Dr. Detlef Schneider as COO. In this new position at AutoForm, Dr. Schneider will be responsible for operations and help to lead the company towards successful and continuous business growth.
Drawbeads are used to control material flow during the drawing operation in order to achieve the optimal forming process of a part without cracks and wrinkles. The position, length and strength of drawbeads are modified during the process design…
Hot forming has become increasingly important for the automotive industry in meeting specific requirements for lower overall weight and higher crash safety. The benefits that come with hot stamped parts, such as high strength, lower weight, complex…
AutoForm Engineering GmbH has unveiled its latest software version AutoFormplus R7. This release brings tangible benefits and enables users to reach the next level of process simulation.
AutoForm Engineering GmbH has announced the decision of the Volkswagen’s tool shop to use AutoForm-ProcessDesignerforCATIA software for their process design. This strategic decision is based on the excellent results achieved during a successful joint…
TriboForm, a company offering software solutions for the simulation of friction, lubrication and wear, has joined the AutoForm Group. TriboForm’s expertise in the field of tribology provides a new dimension to sheet metal forming simulation. The…
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